Wednesday 12 December 2007

Slide show of my machine knitting

Slide show of my hand knitting

Close to hand in

Well it's getting very close to the hand in date for the research and planning part of my final major project now and I'm just doing the finishing touches on my sketchbook and making sure everything is neat and tidy. I'm currently waiting for pictures to upload of my hand knitting so I can put them on here, however it seems to be taking a long time.

I think I have a strong body of work and I am pleased with the research I have done, I'm just hoping that I have done enough research and planning. My next step is to produce a sketch book of designs and chose my final garments so I can get making in January. I am feeling rather scared about the making part because I don't want to make the wrong decisions about what to make and then regret it, or make garments wrong and have to re-start then run out of time. Ow the stress is over whelming already but rather exciting at the same time.

Slide show of research

Tuesday 11 December 2007

My final mood board

This is my mood board for my final major project, I've tried to put all my different areas of research on and show my ideas as clearly as possible. I like the knitted back ground and think it shows my idea of having fine and chunky knitwear together as well as showing my colour palette. I think somebody could look at this board without knowing my ideas and get a good idea of what I'm interested in doing for my final major project.

Young British Artists (YBA)

Sarah Lucas
The Kiss, 2003
Au Naturel, 1994

Self Portrait with Fried Eggs, 1996

Two Fried Eggs and a Kebab 1992

Tracy Emin

The art work of Tracy Emin, Book cover Thames and Hudson

The Bed, 1999, Mixed Media

Tracey Emin, The New Black, 2002. Appliqué blanket.

Tracy Emin-Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963-1995

Tracey EminHellter Fucking Skelter, 2001*Appliqué blanket

Damien Hirst

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1991)

Valium, 2000

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, 2000

Young British Artists or YBAs (also Brit artists and Britart) is the name given to a group of conceptual artists, painters, sculptors and installation artists based in the United Kingdom, most (though not all) of whom attended Goldsmiths College in London. The term Young British Artists is derived from shows of that name staged at the Saatchi Gallery from 1992 onwards, which brought the artists to fame. It has become an historic term, as most of the YBAs are now in their forties. They are noted for "shock tactics", use of throwaway materials and wild-living, and are (or were) associated with the Hoxton area of East London. They achieved considerable media coverage and dominated British art during the 1990s.

Monday 10 December 2007

Knit Samples

Hand Knitted on large needles.

Hand knitted chunky yarn in drop stitch.

Hand knitted open weave on size 12 needles.

Machine knitted lace and ladders.

Hand Knitted.

Handed knitted ribbon lace, size 15 needles.

Hand knitted chunky yarn on size 8 needles.

Machine knitted. Red Ripples.

Machine knitted red and grey stripes.

Machine knitted, striped knit. Grey, purple and red.